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Most of the people we support at Lighthouse Global have come from extremely toxic families, a handful of which turned on us viciously in a smear campaign starting in February 2021, most of this was centred around them not receiving undue refunds and certain toxic families trying to character assassinate us in order to stop them being revealed for abusing their children.

Evidence of Abuse Towards Lighthouse International Group

The Daily Mail article about Lighthouse International Group is part of a malicious online smear campaign orchestrated by malignantly toxic people in operation since February 2021. This is some of what they have to say about us….


“I don’t give a flying monkey’s fuck about anything Paul Stephen Waugh says. Literally everything out of his mouth is complete bullshit. He’s so full of it if you gave him an enema you could bury him in a matchbox.”

“LIG and Associates – WE are coming for you”


“Monsters don’t exist but sadly Paul Stephen Waugh does, and that makes the world a shittier place to be. You are the abuser.”


“The predominant South African Strain of the Lighthouse 20 Virus has mutated into an Indian Variant. The Delta Variant originated with the Singh brothers [Jai & Sukh] and has been rapidly spreading through the UK.”


“It’s not just the Daily Mail… Everyone with the capacity for basic logic, and the ability to form simple ideas into coherent sentences, thinks that the output of Lighthouse International Group is endless, meaningless bullshit.”


We have offered many opportunities to meet and discuss any grievances with us in public, but these vengeful people continue to snipe from the shadows hiding behind pseudonyms. 

The views, thoughts and opinions expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Lighthouse Global

©2024 by Individuals of the Lighthouse Community

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