Most of the people we support at Lighthouse Global have come from extremely toxic families, a handful of which turned on us viciously in a smear campaign starting in February 2021, most of this was centred around them not receiving undue refunds and certain toxic families trying to character assassinate us in order to stop them being revealed for abusing their children.

Taking Tania Francis of Hempsons LLP to Court & Leaving The Cult of My Coercive & Controlling Family

Court Order Issued Against BBC Reporter Rani Singh To Stop Harassing Her Adult-Children

“A Very British Broadcasting Cult” from Lighthouse Global Media

Malicious Myths Case 1: The Tragic Case of Jeffrey Leigh-Jones (Part 2)

Our 18-Year Pilgrimage from Lighthouse International Group to Lighthouse Global in Christ

Testimony of Truth: My Experience of The Recent Trolling That Lighthouse Has Been Subjected To

Lighthouse Global's Predatory Troll Assault & False Accusation Register

How Mentorship Has Taught Me About The Importance of Building Inner Strength To Match Outer Strength

Repentance: 'Hey Lighthouse, why does Paul Waugh get to "lose his temper" and no one else?'

My Experience of Online Trolls at Lighthouse Global: From Fear to Courage

You Left This Testimonial Out Too Daily Mail!

BREAKING NEWS: Trolls of Lighthouse Global Running Scared

Trolls Suggest Reporting Lighthouse Global To Social Services - Here Is Our Response

Response To Second Daily Mail Article, May 9th 2022

A Message to Stand up Against Trolls and Tyranny

Now That's What I Call Trolling 2021/2022!

Peek-a-Boo! There You Are! The Trolls of Lighthouse International Group Are Being Identified

What Does It Mean To Love Thy Enemy?

The Waugh Rooms - The Parental Child Protection Series

Dear Daily Mail, You Left Out My Testimony. So Here It Is.

Get Real or Real Will get You: Paul S. Waugh Responds to Tabloid Trolls

Lighthouse Global Responds to Smear Campaign by Ex-Partners and Daily Mail Article

Exposed: Daily Mail Publishes False & Libellous Hearsay Claims About Lighthouse Global

After a Year of Malicious Trolling... The Phoenix Arises From the Ashes

Teenager Jailed For Online Trolling of Marcus Rashford - 5 Year Jail Sentences On Horizon Too!

Asking Trolls - What Exactly Is Your Desired Outcome Or Goal?

Lighthouse International Group: When Predatory Trolls Are Confronted With The Truth

Parents Or Not, We All Must Stand Up For Children Being Bullied Online

Why Do The Trolls of Lighthouse International Group Not Provide Proof for Their Many Allegations?


Setting The Record Straight On Paul S. Waugh - My Mentorship Experience

Business Against Trolls - A Lighthouse International Group Initiative

Trolls Will Deny Truth Even When It's Staring Them In The Face - A Lighthouse Global Case

Paul S. Waugh Invites Family, Supporters & Critics of Lighthouse Global Associates To His Home

Lighthouse Global's Head Mentor, Paul S. Waugh Speaks To ITV News About Internet Trolls

Our Challenge To The Trolls of Lighthouse Global - Do Your Worst!!

Why We Don't Give Refunds To Those Who Threaten to Blackmail Us At Lighthouse Global

Handling The Racist Abuse Against Lighthouse Global - "It's Not The Critic Who Counts"

Responding to Financial Accusations Thrown at Lighthouse Global!

Why Has Lighthouse Global Taken Almost 18 Years To Launch Its Global Projects?

How Do You Know If Someone Is Qualified To Be A Mentor & Coach? — Lighthouse International Group

A Case Study: The Pathology of Trolls - Lighthouse Global

What Trolls Say About Lighthouse International Group When They Are Anonymous

Does Lighthouse International Force People To Leave Families? How To Deal With Controlling Families

Dear Paul, Thank You For Setting Up Parents Against Trolls & Trolling...
Evidence of Abuse Towards Lighthouse International Group
The Daily Mail article about Lighthouse International Group is part of a malicious online smear campaign orchestrated by malignantly toxic people in operation since February 2021. This is some of what they have to say about us….
“I don’t give a flying monkey’s fuck about anything Paul Stephen Waugh says. Literally everything out of his mouth is complete bullshit. He’s so full of it if you gave him an enema you could bury him in a matchbox.”
“LIG and Associates – WE are coming for you”
“Monsters don’t exist but sadly Paul Stephen Waugh does, and that makes the world a shittier place to be. You are the abuser.”
“The predominant South African Strain of the Lighthouse 20 Virus has mutated into an Indian Variant. The Delta Variant originated with the Singh brothers [Jai & Sukh] and has been rapidly spreading through the UK.”
“It’s not just the Daily Mail… Everyone with the capacity for basic logic, and the ability to form simple ideas into coherent sentences, thinks that the output of Lighthouse International Group is endless, meaningless bullshit.”
We have offered many opportunities to meet and discuss any grievances with us in public, but these vengeful people continue to snipe from the shadows hiding behind pseudonyms.