Money can create all kinds of feelings and reactions in us. Eckhart Tolle helps us to make sense of them!
By Tom Hasker, Associate Partner & Mentorship Coach, Lighthouse Global
Money is a subject that everyone has an opinion on and the lack of it can often be seen in a negative light. Usually, in the form of ‘I don’t have enough’ as we constantly yearn for more.
What is happening here is our unconscious minds are trying to make us feel small or insignificant by saying that we don’t have enough. The unconscious part of us, the 'ego', always fears for its survival and we may have thoughts like;
‘Will I be ok?’ ‘Will I have enough resources to live on?’ ‘How will I get by?’
These are all questions that the ego asks and when it comes to money, there is a rich ground for drama and worry. These thoughts are often felt more generally as fear.
Author and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, answers a question posed to him - ‘Why is money such a difficult subject?'
"It is true that the mention of it [money] can bring about an immediate loss of awareness... There is a fear that coagulates around that idea of money and that is a fear, I would say, of survival."
For his answer, he explains why we have this attachment to money and other addictions. He then goes on to explain how we can use these attachments to become calmer, more settled and peaceful. Watch below as he answers the question. "Are The Paths To Spirituality And Wealth Mutually Exclusive?"
When confronted by a challenging situation it is often hard to put aside this fear and think clearly - which is essential when thinking about money!
To do this, daily practices like meditation can help us to learn how to control our thoughts and keep a clear head!
Do you find yourself worrying about money often? What are the thoughts and emotions you experience when this happens?
Would you like to feel more in control of your finances and create ways to increase your earnings?
If you or anyone you know resonates with anything in this article and would like to speak with one of our mentors, do get in touch with us here...
Originally posted on the Legends Report.
Thank you for sharing this powerful article.
One of the personal development courses I did a few years a go had a whole module on money and how we’re taught to think about it so negatively due to upbringing and experiences. The truth is money is just paper and there is always more being made. It really transformed my thinking around money and how I view it now. Although I do keep a close eye on my finances I am not as obsessive as I use to be and just trust myself to know what I am doing and accept that I am just a stuard as everything on this earth truly belongs to god and we are jus…
This is really great and a fantastic honing in for those who can get lost in the material sometimes, in fact I think we all do to one degree or another!! But it's so important that we don't think those things will bring us fulfilment but be grateful for and enjoy what we have, share it with others. Money can be debilitatingly terrifying to talk about for some people, or a focus on control for others, there's an article on here all about that but we can learn about the principles of money, investments, savings and debt also so that we stay present and we are in control. Not mental programmes from our childhood running us. Thanks for sharing Tom!
Thank you for sharing this article on what Eckhart Tolle says about money and our relationship with it being primarily undergoing by the ego, and the attachments there that form and aren’t actually to do with the money most primarily, but with survival. It is fascinating what comes up in us when speak about certain things and how that relates to our experiences. What I find most interesting about this article is that it’s our attachment to things which is actually the problem, that we can transcend to build a healthier relationship with money, in this example. When we get to the root it’s amazing what we find there! Thank you sharing this Tom.
Thank you for this post Tom, I know it cuts at major insecurities in myself and in so many people, to actually be able to stand on solid ground and know where my / our real security comes from, it isn't something that can come and go in a flash. It comes from what is certain, the principles that govern the economy, that govern health, relationships and success. Money in itself, as my mentor Paul Waugh has explained, is actually a transient entity to just be exchanged between people for materials and services. Money in itself isn't a solid state "thing", just like water and food is meant to pass through, not stay in one place... thank you!
Thanks for sharing Tom. It is amazing how much we rely on fear as our motivators and drivers for making decisions and in what we see as important in our lives. What we are most attached to, isn't always the thing that is healthiest for us. Making conscious effort and changes to what we are attached to, unhealthily, is part of daily discipline that needs to be developed and built, like training for a physical goal, like a marathon. You have to build that fitness and stamina to bring out the best of what we want to achieve and there will also need to be a delay of gratification to achieve it.