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Writer's pictureElisha A

Elisha: My Mentoring Experience At Lighthouse Global

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

"I’m definitely a better, stronger, happier person for my beautiful experience with Lighthouse International Group, now known as Lighthouse Global."

Woman sitting on mountain

By Elisha

Eight years ago I returned to the UK, which I found very difficult after 24 years abroad. I struggled to settle.

My future path was uncertain. I felt stressed, unsettled, foggy-headed, and frankly, quite miserable.

I felt so blessed being back with my family though. As time went on, I was so fortunate to connect with Paul from the Lighthouse family. I was searching for some connections, mental stimulation and a path, an understanding. I wanted to help change my situation and to help others too.

Fast forward, I was soon to learn about the Lighthouse family. I was so captivated by these guys; the way they spoke to each other, the meaningful conversations they had. The way they understood situations and reached out to each other and to help others too.

It was the beginning of my mentorship with Flashie (Chris), I wanted to be like them. Before I started, I must add I was impatient, a bit arrogant, fiery, stressy, irritated and I definitely lacked understanding of myself and others and all situations really; in and out of the home.

Flashie and I had a face-to-face and on-call session that was fantastic. I could be anywhere and he would take my call. I felt the layers fall off as time went by. I observed my reaction when someone or something annoyed me. I learnt to look at things from a different perspective; breathe and just be.

I started to see myself in people that were getting annoyed or impatient and became a lot less bothered by this. My heart softened. I laughed so much more, even at myself! I understood humility, staying humble and giving more. My life has improved beyond imagination.

My life has had many trials since then, but I still remember to stop at the right time, stay in the moment, love more, be grateful, and every single person we meet is going through their own struggles. So try and be kind, stay kind, no matter what. Live your own life. Seek help. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Keep good company and friend pools. Never stop learning.

Everyone should have a life coach; your happiness and understanding will shock you immensely. I use what I learned also to help understand others; people that are in great emotional problems, my family. I’m definitely a better, stronger, happier person for my beautiful experience with Lighthouse Global.

I thought it would be really nice to finish up by saying I started my Animal Magic business a year after arriving in the UK. Currently I'm a volunteer helping street drug addicts to get onto programmes in Brooklyn and a paid worker companion to mostly broken or lonely people who have absolutely everything in life except human connections. I couldn't have done any of this without my foundations and faith.


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122 views11 comments


Gillian Watson
Gillian Watson
Jan 26, 2022

Thank you for sharing your personal experience Elisha and how mentoring has helped you to overcome the barriers and obstacles that were presenting themselves in your life. And how, through the right guidance, have been able to use them as lessons to grow through, develop yourself where you need to build strength and character and to use it as an opportunity to build value for your future. Something that many people don't appreciate about the mentoring journey, that it is a process and working through the areas of resistance and petulant emotions as the ego puts up a fight to stay in charge as the tail wagging the dog, as worth it on the other side.


Sukh Singh
Sukh Singh
Jan 26, 2022

Bless you Elisha, this is powerful. It's not just that Flashie and Paul have helped you find yourself and rebuild your life from the ground up -which is painful and courageous in and of itself - but that you choose to pour out the love you have to the people in your neighbourhood who need that love and empathy from you. I would love to hear how your volunteering and progress has gone since then...


James Mills
James Mills
Jan 25, 2022

Hi Elisha, the thing that really stood out most from what you shared was your very evident transformation through your statement of how your heart softened and you started to laugh more... including at yourself. I can relate to this, by default I have taken myself way too seriously! Wonderful to see how you've translated your mentorship into ways of serving others.


Dec 26, 2021

Thank you Elisha, it’s wonderful to know you have received care and safety to feel you can be yourself.


Jai Singh
Jai Singh
Dec 26, 2021

I’m so glad Flashie and Paul could help you in the way they have Elisha. Thanks for sharing so personally.


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