Want to know what the experience of mentoring is like at Lighthouse International Group, now known as Lighthouse Global?
Check out some of the answers on Quora to hear people's personal experiences. You can read them here or just scroll down below.
Lighthouse Global Mentoring Experiences shared on Quora
Hear from some of our mentorees below, many of them have been mentored by us for a number of years in areas across life, career, business, family and relationships. Many of our mentorees benefit so much from the experience they even go on to become mentors themselves!
Nassreen Nadat

Lee Frimston

Victoria Bytel

Tendy St Francis

Elizabeth Abdelkereem

Here's our Head Mentor, Paul S. Waugh, sharing more about what mentoring is like:
To discover more about being mentored at Lighthouse Global click here to contact us on our mentoring page to speak with one of the team...
Check out our social media pages for more about what we've learnt about human potential over the last 18 years.
It's wonderful to read about these experiences and someone's journey that lead them to mentoring, it really is so valuable to be able to sit with someone who understands you, who cares and who has done that same work themselves - you know they would never ask you to challenge yourself where they have not challenged themselves and know what it's like. It's a genuinely human experience.
I really resonate with Nasreen... "Don't resist it" 😁 yes! Thank you for sharing these very open and honest experiences, it's raw, it's human and it is real.
Awesome to read some genuine and honest community reviews as opposed to a minority of people with biased negative reviews out there. No one is perfect at all. Thanks for sharing these.
So often we can get so focused on our own problems and challenges, we forget the impact that telling our story through our experiences and struggles can really have. It can help inspire others to seek help and guidance for their own, to remind them they are not alone in what they are facing and that building their human connection with someone who can be objective and potentially help them see what has been getting in their way is really valuable. Thanks for sharing these mentoring experiences.
These are great, thank you for posting and I resonate so much in relation to my own journey. Producing fruits that I never thought possible and the health of the tree (me!!) needed some work of which I'm eternally grateful to Lighthouse for helping me to first see then address.